Monday, July 1, 2013

Stormont - Fine Edge Tools, 1926 Catalogue and advertising

Stormont Fine Edge Tools

Stormont brand tools were made at 124 Fitzwilliam St Sheffield, England.

These resources were kindly supplied by Alan Stormont great grandson of Geo V Stormont, the founder of the company.

1) Advertising blotter
2) Front cover of catalogue
 3) Introductory letter page
Note Established 1899
Owners names - Geo V & H Stormont
Catalogue date - February 1926

4) Page 2 - blank page

5) Page 3 Chisels
 6) page 4 Gouge chisels
 7) Page 5 Handled Chisels & Paring chisels
 8) Page 6 Handled gouges
 9) Page 7 Turning & Mortice chisels
 10) Page 8 Machine mortice chisels & Socket chisels & gouges
 11) Page 9 Socket firmer chisels
 12) Page 10 Plane Irons
 13) Page 11 Drawing Knives
 14) Page 12 Coopers drawing knives