Stormont brand tools were made at 124 Fitzwilliam St Sheffield, England.
These resources were kindly supplied by Alan Stormont great grandson of Geo V Stormont, the founder of the company.
1) Advertising blotter
2) Front cover of catalogue
3) Introductory letter page
Note Established 1899
Owners names - Geo V & H Stormont
Catalogue date - February 1926
4) Page 2 - blank page
5) Page 3 Chisels
6) page 4 Gouge chisels
7) Page 5 Handled Chisels & Paring chisels
8) Page 6 Handled gouges
9) Page 7 Turning & Mortice chisels
10) Page 8 Machine mortice chisels & Socket chisels & gouges
11) Page 9 Socket firmer chisels
12) Page 10 Plane Irons
13) Page 11 Drawing Knives
14) Page 12 Coopers drawing knives